M.D Leonor Girão – PRP in Facial Rejuvenation: Does it work? Biometrical Analisys and personal protocol.
M.D Leonor Girão – PRP in Facial Rejuvenation: Does it work? Biometrical Analisys and personal protocol.
The application of Platelet-rich Plasma (PRP) in Medicine is seeing an enormous growing since the first’s publications in orthopedics. In Dermatology, the treatment with PRP in clinical situations is also growing but it is in the aesthetic field that the application is more popular, particularly in the model called “Vampire Facelift”, in which the autologous administration of a concentrated platelets fraction seems improve skin function, by release and degranulation of growth factors and cytokines. There are several papers talking about the improvement in elasticity, roughness, pigmentation and microcirculation. Although patients seem to be very pleased, scientific doubts about the PRP effectiveness remain.
Questions like each concentration of platelets is the best, how to obtain the best product, how to apply (topically or injectable), pure or mixed, with or without anesthetic, how often, need to be answered. And what about results: are they real, measured by scientificall instruments or only an “impression” of the patients? We tried to obtain some answers by using bioengineering methods to evaluate skin specific functional parameters in a group of patients with photo aging submitted to PRP treatments during 3 months. We used 2 different protocols of application (with and without microneedling), topical anesthetic cream, intradermal/subcutaneous administration and measures at D0, D30; D60) and the patients were evaluated for wrinkle 3D parameters, collagen quantification, and Photo aging parameters through Primos 3D, cutometer, VISIA-CR systems and some with Periflux and Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy, before and after each treatment.
Skin improvement was observed in all groups of patients. The results suggest an effect of the PRP on dermis functionality and microcirculation and in the collagen formation and reorganization that improves skin condition in photo aging patients.
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